In Agreement to or with

agree or disagree with a fact, rule or principle In addition, the facts may coincide with each other (correspond to them). when people are together, get together, etc., they work with each other and don`t face each other, when an idea resonates in a group or country, people there agree with it A quote from “A valency dictionary of English” (Herbst et al. 2004:25), with some modifications: To agree with it means to have the same opinion as another person or to approve of something. Note the difference – we agree on/on a topic; We agree with someone`s opinion/statement on a topic. If someone says, “I think it`s important to preserve the environment,” and you share that view, you can say, “I agree with you.” You could also simply say, “I agree. Here are some other examples of agreeing with someone else: If you agree with a person or idea, you are of the same opinion or have the same idea. E. When something like food or climate doesn`t fit a person, it causes them problems. When they agree on a plan, you decide, along with others, to do something.

We can also agree/disagree with a statement, decision, article, opinion, idea or other form of communication or position: informally agree or able to work together easily Using the right preposition (voorzetsel) with the right word is difficult at best, but it is especially difficult in the case of an agreement, with which you can use, with, on, on or no preposition at all – depending on what you mean. The following sentences show the possibilities: If you agree with someone/something, it means that you accept someone`s point/something. (i) A person or entity may accept or accept anything proposed. If you agree to an agreement or price, you reach a joint agreement on the matter. Always say “I agree,” and then use one of the words you learned in this lesson – okay, agree/on, agree, agree, agree. We agree with a person if we have the same opinion as that person. In fact, we use them ALL in English – but in different situations. So today you are going to learn 5 ways to use the chord verb correctly, with sample sentences that will show you the right way. You accept claims/requests or you agree to do something. When people are united, they have the same goals or beliefs (i) People can agree on a plan of action, that is, choose to do so.

It`s very easy to make those little mistakes when you`re learning English, and it`s hard to discover and correct your own mistakes! We agree to do an action – so okay, followed by a verb – and that means you promise to do the action: Look at these two examples – let`s say I`m a vegetarian, and my sister isn`t. If you accept a proposal, accept it and say you will execute it, or ask someone else to make it happen. If you (as a group) agree on something, you agree on the same opinion. Thinking the same way or having the same opinion as someone else As a teacher, I see many of the same mistakes that are often made by students – and that`s why I created the 200 most common mistakes in the English course. (ii) People can agree on something as a result of a discussion. (i) People can agree on or on a particular topic or problem. C. If two statements or versions of something match, they are the same; If the numbers or calculations match, they display the same result. Grammatical categories also match, i.e. correspond in number, etc.

Agree on ways to share the same opinion on articles, topics or standards: One last piece of advice: Never say “I agree” – this is wrong. If people agree, they all agree on what to do We can also accept the terms of a contract; This means that we accept this, we accept it: (iii) A person may agree that something is the case. felt or done in the same way by each of the two or more people Agree that what we agree on follows. The difference from the previous example is that consent to/about a noun or question word follows (agree with the policy, agree where the party should take place), while agreeing that a subject + verb or the -ING form of the verb follows: we agree on or on a topic or plan. Here are some examples: Agree on the ways you can commit to (an action plan, a proposal, etc.) :. . . .